Friday, August 5, 2011

First Lavender Havest

Earlier this year, I planted four types of lavender --about 20 plants. I love lavender. The way it looks, the way smells. Visted the Keys Creek Lavender Farm a few months ago and received tons of info about growing and cutting your own bushes. Yesterday I completed my first lavender harvest - what an incredible experience! I say "harvest", but there was no heavy machinery, barn building or singing of "The Gospel Train" - just me with my little pruner and an abundance of bug spray! 

It was wonderful feeling the heat of the sun complimented by a slightly cool breeze, dodging the nectar seeking bees-- all the while immersed in the intoxicating scent of lavender. It took about half a day to "harvest" - I was amazed as my large basket started to overflow with stalks. Neighbors stopped by to comment or observe. June, my friend from across the street strolled over calling "Martha! Martha!" I laughed because I'm sure when gardening,Martha Stewart does not wear her hubby's 20 year old Palm Frond hat (great story behind the hat - Whitey Harrison, the father of Long Board Surfing made it for Mike--but that's fodder for another blog post), bright red crocs, and no make up! Despite my scary appearance, I'm happy to report that butterflies, ladybugs, even the neighbor's cat put in an appearance.

After the cutting was done, I sat on the lawn under our huge Water Maple tree and made bundles for drying. Mike came out to help--ended up taking a nap on the grass! Wish I had taken a picture of that. It was an idyllic summer afternoon. Hung the bundles high in the garage. The smell is amazing. I've always wanted to plant and cut my own lavender - yesterday truly was my lavender dreams come true.


  1. Beautiful Jenelle,
    I felt like I was there with you calling Martha! My lavender must be very different then yours. You have beautiful bunches. Thank you for sharing I can smell the lavender from here. Ciao Rita

  2. What a wonderful way to spend a summer day!

  3. What a wonderful story Jenelle,
    accompanying all your beautiful lavender bundles,
    It sounds like a perfect summer day !

    Then I got caught up in the rich history of our local surfer Whitey Harrison and now I want to hear all about Mike's experience with him.

    Enjoy your Sunday !

  4. I love that you have had your first harvest! How exciting!
    the bouquets look beautiful too!

    Kay Ellen

  5. What a beautiful was to send a summer's day. I'm sure you turned heads as everyone your passed caught a whiff of your summer harvest!
